Devlog2- Vivianne Zsoldos -- InventoryUI (Started)

For our 2nd Week, I added some Assets to our UI. As much as I could've continued to use Unreal's Widget options to make menus or a player HUD.. This wasn't giving us a collective theme. To add, I also started on our Inventory UI. This is a huge deal, because we have a survival game, but without the UI, who would really know? Jazmine does a super nice job at adding the code, but I need to add UI so her code can actually be seen!

Problem(s)-  For the UI, I couldn't find a way to have it where my UI will adapt to each Inventory item. I used Images within a Horizontal box, but after hours of messing around on the design space, I couldn't get the Images to stay still after adding an Item. They would move around, squish together or the Material/Texture used for the Items would take up multiple of my Images so essentially -- The Horizontal box would be filled with an Image of Wood, even if I only picked up 1 piece. I also added the Inventory UI on the same User Widget as my PlayerHUD. However, I realized this would eventually cause issues. There may be times that I don't wouldn't want the Inventory and the Player HUD to both be shown. 

Solution(s)- For the UI, I needed to make 2 new .cpp files. I made an InventoryUIComp and an InventoryWidget. Both of these would work with the (already made) InventoryComp. The InventoryUIComp is an ActorComp and the InventoryWidget is derived from UserWidget. I needed to add a delegate, and a switch to allow 1 Image per Item.  I also removed the Inventory UI from the PlayerHUD and made it have its own Widget. 

Note(s)- The UI changes upon Screen resizes! There are several sizes of monitors available, and the UI will adapt to each one. 

(Photos are added, above ).


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